The current financial crises will have more serve and longer lasting-consequences than similar crises in the past. Credit contraction which is highly correlated with real economy cycle may be prolonged as the
1) FED ability to keep interest rates low may be limited
2) some mayor financial institution may prove yet to be insolvent
3) The banking sector regulation liberalization process is over as tax payers funds were involved to bail out troubled financial sector . Now regulators are likely to tighten control over the investment banking activities which could dampen further dampen credit expansion.
But this is not my main argument for steep market correction in the near term. To be correctly understood I’m not calling for master of disaster global scenario because there are countervailing forces at work. China, India and Oil producing countries economic growth remains strong. More importantly emerging markets governments have continued to acquire US assets even as the US yields has fallen which may be support for Bretton Woods II believers (here you can read the newest David Folkerts-Landau paper on Bretton Woods II and subprime crises)
In later papers it was realized that speculation and imitation also occur during bearish markets, leading to price trajectories that seem approximately symmetric to the accelerating speculative bubbles ending in crashes. “antibubbles” are characterized with a power law decrease of the price decelerating log periodic oscillations.
Anti-bubbles concept has been successfully implemented to Nikkei, S&P and gold markets descents (papers are available here S&P , Nikkei & Gold , Chinese equities& real estate )
I implemented Sornette methodology to the present S&P 500 data and I got very stable firt for first and second order log periodic oscillations. Lomb spectral analysis showed very strong log periodic oscillations amid descending trend.
The best fit with second order Landau Formula suggest that next local minimum S&P 500 index will reach close to the end of July 2008 when the index is likely to fall as low as 1150 points.
I really like your work here, and your prediction of S&P at 1150 certainly looks like it is coming true as well!
Very interesting even if SP500 remained above 1200. Probably because of summer holidays speculation and imitation wasn't so relevant to reach 1150.
What do you think?
What is your view for september?
I do apologize that I did not respond to your comment earlier but I was away. Basicaly the view for September I posted yesterday. We are close to local pick and S&P Is likely to plunge from here. In my opinion we just wait for some news to trigger the plunge. Maybe tomorrows release of US Labor rapport will be the trigger.
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