Thursday, May 6, 2010

worst preforming currency of the month - Polish Zloty (lucky me)

Polish zloty bubble has burst or at least we going through large bifurcation (more likely). A month ago I posted here a short note saying that the bubble is lurking in Polish zloty. At that time I also said that a more detailed analysis will follows however… Since then I was fully concentrated on trading trying building and executing strategy which would utilize findings of my research. Today I have closed EUR/PLN longs and option position. Now It’s time to celebrate but no later than on Monday I will post some short presentation with LPPL estimates for Polish zloty and some stylized facts


Konrad Schaefers said...

Always reading your posts with interest.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me you do not have to work any more after 6th of May. Lucky you. Greetings from Kilva.

Piotr Chwiejczak said...

Thanks Kilva for encouraging me to fulfill my promise